What is a Time Bank?

A Time Bank is a community system where a person who volunteers one hour of their time helping someone else gains an hour time credit.  They can then use that time credit or their accrued time credits to receive help from someone else.  

Everyone's time is equal no matter what each hour is spent doing!

1 hour of help = 1 time hour.

Why should I get involved?

Get to know your neighbourhood: friendly exchanges between community members can create stronger, interactive and safer communities.

Most of us enjoy
helping our neighbours from time to time. However, knowing who could use our help, or where to direct our skills is difficult: Timebank can put people together.

Here is the opportunity to get the
tasks you struggle with (or just don’t like!) done.  Everyone has a whole heap of day to day chores, some we prefer more than others and everyone has different preferences.  So, get out, meet some new people, do the jobs you prefer, and get someone else to do the chores you like the least.

Life can be tough and sometimes you just need a hand. Timebank
can put you in touch with people who enjoy (or find easy) your difficult tasks; they in turn can use the Timebank to address their own difficult tasks.
Artwork courtesy of Eve Welch
© 2009 New Brighton Time Bank, a project under the New Brighton Project's umbrella
