New Brighton Clothing Swap- July 2010

(c) 2010 Photo courtesy of Mark James
Sewing machines start your engines!  There were piles of clothes ready for swapping in central New Brighton on Saturday July 31st, 2010. Non-profit New Brighton Time Bank organised a clothes swapping event so community members could get rid of their unwanted garments and trade them for 'new-to-them' clothes.  But this was no ordinary clothes swap... On hand were five terrific volunteer sewers who took items like dresses from outdated to cool.  At the paint printing station volunteers helped individuals stamp on patterns in various colours transforming same-old to unique.  Needle felted and fabric flower lessons were also taught to help dress up an outfit.

The event attracted mostly women but children and teens were keen to participate too.  Community spirit ran high with a terrific group of volunteers assisting and event attendees helping each other by giving positive feedback and fashion advice.
Proceeds will benefit the non-profit New Brighton Time Bank, a project under the New Brighton Project umbrella.  Time Banks allow communities to utilise internal resources to meet community needs.  They encourage community connectivity and help to foster positive community feelings by bringing people together locally to support one another.

Another successful working bee!

15 members donated their time to help one of our families with their house renovation.  With everyone chipping in we moved and tidied up building supplies, weeded and replanted the front garden and got the house all set for some indoor painting.  There were lots of tasty things to eat and we all drank heaps of water as it was quite a hot day.  Many people went for a swim at the beach afterwards.

Kerry, the Time Bank coordinator, was super impressed with all the new members that showed up throughout the day.  Passer-by’s all commented on the hard work and many were pleasantly surprised to learn about the Time Bank.  They family whose home was worked on were really excited by the community spirit and amount that was achieved by everyone’s efforts.  Great work Time Bankers!

First NBTB Working Bee- Kicking off trading!

Time bankers gave 19 hours of their time to help clean old bricks which will be used to make an outdoor patio.  Half of the bricks that will be used were obtained through the Time Bank’s “freecycle”- free items can be listed on the Time Bank.  Together the Time Bankers cleaned and prepared more than 220 bricks.  New friends were made, scones were consumed, and everyone (including the kids after nap time) had a grand time mucking in.

“The working bee was a huge success- we achieved so much more working with our friends than we would have by ourselves. The task we faced was so mammoth that without this help we'd have never started, let alone finished!”
~Rebecca May
“It was just really good fun.  It was nice to sit around with friends and meet some new people while doing something productive. Plus I liked Rebecca’s scones!”
~Paul South
© 2009 New Brighton Time Bank, a project under the New Brighton Project's umbrella
